However, with only four days to go, the practice is getting rather.... shall I say, intense? I haven't decided yet what songs I am going to play in each section, and don't really want to have to make that decision!
One of the songs I am learning - hoping to pull together for the weekend - is the theme from the movie Schindler's List. It is such a beautiful song, so emotive and sad.... it also hits some really, really high notes, which are proving to be a challenge! But hopefully, I'll get there.
See what I mean? It would have to be one of my favorite violin songs. I'm going to play quite a mix of modern and classical, because I have Rolling in the Deep (by the Piano Guys) and My Immortal (Evanescence), as well as Concerto in A minor, 3rd movement, and Concerto in G minor, 1st and 2nd movement, both by Vivaldi. I have one more song than categories, so one will have to be dropped, but I haven't decided yet which one. :)
I helped Rosie (just turned 5) with her violin practice today as well. And yes, she had a peg on her bow. This is to help her keep her bow on the strings and not run it off the end of the violin.
We had violin lessons today, and Rosie did really well - she is excited to be learning ' fingers' next week, a.k.a using the fingerboard to create more notes than just the open strings of G, D, A, and E.
Our teacher was pleased with the progress I had made with my songs, and if confident that I can pull them together, which makes me feel better about the whole thing, as I am feeling a little under prepared.
A couple in our Church do a nursing home outreach. They go into the homes and perform concerts, mixing hymns, popular 70s songs which the old people would know, and Church songs together to meet them where they are at. Emily, Joy, Elise and I are joining their concerts, and we went around after violin to run through our song. We are just doing one this time, and have chosen 'Broken Vessels' by Hillsong. Joy is playing guitar, Elise the violin, I am playing keyboard and everyone is singing. We borrowed our Church keyboard, since we don't have one of our own, and it was so nice to play! It was my first time playing it, and I really enjoyed it.
I was trying to get a nice photo of Rosie, Annie, and James but this was the best I could get...
Annie didn't want to stop for a photo because she didn't want her 'eyes to be bright' which I think meant she didn't like the flash. And James wouldn't give me a proper smile, just a crazy pose. :)
See what I mean? It would have to be one of my favorite violin songs. I'm going to play quite a mix of modern and classical, because I have Rolling in the Deep (by the Piano Guys) and My Immortal (Evanescence), as well as Concerto in A minor, 3rd movement, and Concerto in G minor, 1st and 2nd movement, both by Vivaldi. I have one more song than categories, so one will have to be dropped, but I haven't decided yet which one. :)
We had violin lessons today, and Rosie did really well - she is excited to be learning ' fingers' next week, a.k.a using the fingerboard to create more notes than just the open strings of G, D, A, and E.
Our teacher was pleased with the progress I had made with my songs, and if confident that I can pull them together, which makes me feel better about the whole thing, as I am feeling a little under prepared.
A couple in our Church do a nursing home outreach. They go into the homes and perform concerts, mixing hymns, popular 70s songs which the old people would know, and Church songs together to meet them where they are at. Emily, Joy, Elise and I are joining their concerts, and we went around after violin to run through our song. We are just doing one this time, and have chosen 'Broken Vessels' by Hillsong. Joy is playing guitar, Elise the violin, I am playing keyboard and everyone is singing. We borrowed our Church keyboard, since we don't have one of our own, and it was so nice to play! It was my first time playing it, and I really enjoyed it.
I was trying to get a nice photo of Rosie, Annie, and James but this was the best I could get...
Annie didn't want to stop for a photo because she didn't want her 'eyes to be bright' which I think meant she didn't like the flash. And James wouldn't give me a proper smile, just a crazy pose. :)
Hope the practicing continues to go well! That song is beautiful! :) I know you will all sound lovely! XD That is really special you can bless the elderly in the nursing home - such a precious ministry. Have a good day, sweet friend! xx