Monday, November 16, 2015

A Letter

To the Body of Christ ~ His Church,

I know you are reeling from the sudden turns of events in Paris and in the world, and I know that everything seems confused in at the moment.   But let me say, don't loose sight of what is happening here.  We shouldn't be surprised, we shouldn't be taken aback.  These times were long ago predicted in the Bible.  Our response shouldn't be one of fear or confusions, like those who have no light, for we have the Light.

I sorrow for those who have lost loved ones, for those whose lives have been torn apart by these tragic events, for those wives who no longer have a husband, for the children who no longer have a mother or a father, or both, for the grandparents who have lost their grandchildren, for the close friends and extended circles.  So many lives lost, so many more hearts broken, so many people now waking up, and wishing they didn't have to face the morning.  We cry with them, and we hold their hand through pain that we cannot even begin to imagine. 

But my heart is broken for the Muslims, those who have lost their way, these precious people whom God loved, whom God sent His only Son to save, and who longs to hold them as close to His heart and He holds me, and holds you.  These people are not the enemy, rather, they are the victims.  They are the victims to a lifelong time of fear, of evil and of hate.  Their actions are not right, and they are not to be excused, but the gift of salvation still extends to them.   The same God who reached out to me and to you, reaches out to them, and waits only for a whispered prayer to receive them into paradise. 

We need to stand up for these people - the ones who are so lost their eyes are blind, their ears are defeaned.  We need to interceed for those who cannot see the way by themselves. Without our example, how they are going to know the love of Christ?

The world might be closing the borders on the Muslims, they might be shutting their doors, retaliating with soldiers and with violence, but we, the Children of God, we must never close our hearts.

I not only stand for Paris, I also stand for Iraq, I stand for Kenya, I stand for Egypt, I stand for Bali, I stand for the USA, I stand for Australia, I stand for every country that has been touched by the terrorist attacks, and every country which needs God even more today than they did yesterday.  And I pray that you will stand with me and in Him, for without His hope, the world has no reason to live.  And without His love, we have nothing to give.

 I want to finish with this song from Planetshakers 'We cry out'.  Please listen and make it your heart's cry, for only when we turn to God will we see change in this world.

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